Graphic of our clocktower logo
The After Hours Community Band

Website Geek Stuff

Page Updated 10/20/06

What's New
Scholarship Fund

About the Band

Member Information

Please send feedback to Bill.

Here's some technical stuff about our website:

We are hosted through ColdSkyServices, LLC.

The site is developed on an Apple Macintosh G4 PowerBook, using Bare Bones Software BBEdit and Macromedia Dreamweaver.

Graphics are generated using Deneba Canvas 6 and Adobe Illustrator.

We also use graphics from Nova Development Corporation products, including Art Explosion and Web Explosion.

Adobe PhotoShop is used for generating many of our GIFs and JPEGs.

Our Music Library database is maintained in FileMaker Pro and is exported to HTML for posting to this site.

Many of the digital images on this site were captured using a Nikon Coolpix 990 and Canon D20 digital cameras.

GPS locations are collected via site survey using a Garmin GPS III+. The datum used is WGS-84.

We originally tested with Windows 95, Windows NT, MacOS 8, and Unix. The site has been tested on Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, AOL, Opera, Firefox, Safari, and Lynx.

At the 1998 Community Band Weekend, we led a seminar describing the process we used to establish this website. It is available here in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

Links to pages external to this website are provided as a service to the user and do not represent an endorsement by the After Hours Community Band, Inc, or its members.